This Week’s Films – Arrival + Louis Theroux’s My Scientology Movie!


Arrival (2016)

Director: Denis Villeneuve

When twelve mysterious spacecraft’s come to earth, the United States Army seek the help of a linguist to communicate with the aliens. As the world becomes inpatient and countries lose communication, the risk of losing peace and heading war becomes more likely.

As Villeneuve has become one of the most consistent directors in recent years, It’s no surprise the anticipation for his work grows with ever film he makes. What Arrival does, is match the global panic and political strain of an alien invasion, but also managing to form so much emotional power through its lead character. Villeneuve showed us with Sicario his formidable skills at building tension, and Arrival has the same tense overtones running throughout the entire film. It seems as though 2016 was waiting for its final few months to give us it’s very best, but Arrival isn’t just in the top-tier of 2016, its innovation and ideas make it one of the better invasion films of the 21st Century.

Verdict: 5/5



My Scientology Movie (2016)

Director: John Dower

Acclaimed BBC Journalist Louis Theroux explores the worldwide religion that everybody has heard of, but doesn’t really know enough about, the Church of Scientology.

The Church of Scientology is a subject that a lot of people have interest in, its reputation and celebrity following put it in direct spotlight of people’s curiosity. While Louis Theroux’s monotone and low-key ruthlessness, along with interesting subjects have given his work a lot of anticipation, it seems as though he may have bitten off more than he can chew. You get the stories and reenactments, however what people want is to know just what goes on. Even with numerous ex Scientologist’s at the helm, the film doesn’t breakdown any barriers into the world of the religion. Having said that, the film is more focused on the individuality within Scientology making it a little different to other films of the same subject.

Verdict: 3/5





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