This Week’s Films – The Magnificent Seven + The Girl With All the Gifts.


The Magnificent Seven (2016)

Director: Antoine Fuqua

When a wealthy business man and his hired gunmen terrorize a small town for their land, the towns people decide to hire a bounty hunter (Denzel Washington) for help. With a lack of fire power, the bounty hunter joins forces with six other talented gunman to help him.

With such a great cast and entertaining action sequences there is always going to be some fun to be had with this remake. But what the original had (even though it’s a remake itself), is great characters. While Fuqua seems to focus on the style, he forgets that driving his bullet fueled remake is 7 characters, all as important as the other. Unfortunately for the seven, it seems only a couple have a real story to tell, and the rest are battling for screen time. For the film itself, it doesn’t quite understand the difference between a real Western, and Hollywood stars playing dress up.

Verdict: 2/5



The Girl With All The Gifts (2016)

Director: Colm McCarthy

In a post-zombie apocalypse Britain, a group of survivors flee from their base of solitude when zombies break through the fence. Within the group is a young girl, who potentially could be the key to saving the human race whilst being a threat to the people around her.

The synopsis reads as a zombie horror film, but whilst it is a key component what really drives this film is its morality and huge social commentary. From its daunting throat singing score to its vast character density, this is not only one of the best films of the year but one of the greatest zombie orientated films you’ll ever see.

Verdict: 5/5

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